We all know that test drive is mandatory to perform before buying any kind of vehicle. Test drive will show us the comfort and how it will suit each lifestyle. Each person will have different requirement. So we need to consider every factor to finalize the choice. Test drive cannot be randomly done without preparation. You need to make the test drive with right kind of options. Here we will see the checklists to be prepared in prior to taking test drive.
What to bring while test driving?
To perform test drive, we need to get few factors that will be helpful in the process of examination. They are
- Phone – This device is helpful in recording the drive that can help in analyzing the flaws later. You can take picture of car interior and exterior for later review.
- Friend – For every buy, we will need a second opinion which has to be said by the person one who experiences the same. So if you have a friend with you, you can easily judge the circumstance.
What are the factors to check with test drive?
- Is everything working? – Check with all the electronic parts and lights and conclude about the working of the things.
- Are the seats comfortable? – Seats comfortable is measured while driving through various roads. Measure the comfy and take note of it.
- Working of brake – Perform the entire brake stroke to check for the safety measure.
- Does the car turn smoothly? – Check if the car is running through the smooth and comfortable process even in rough road.
- Will the gear fit the trunk? – Analyze whether the gear box is fitted towards the trunk and make the smoother ride and drive.
- Does the car fit into the garage? – If you are buying a car, check if the car will fit into your garage parking.
- Are there any scratch or dent? – Check if the car has any kind of scratch or dent. This will help in getting through the negotiation while buying used cars in fresno.
- Does the car sound heavy while travelling? – Car should not feel heavy while driving and the sound emitted while driving should be moderate without disturbing other travelers.
- Can you able to park better? – Few cars cannot be taken for parallel parking. So consider making the check of parking with the lots and analyze the result.
Once you are ready with the checklist, you can start analyzing the car value and decide whether to buy the car or not.